Sunday, April 17, 2011


I know, I have been remiss in filling you all in with important movie newz. In my defense, I just got a new "grown-up" style job that doesn't include me staring blankly at my computer screen all day. However, I think I have this "making a livable balance of work and eating and blogging" thing a little more figured out. So I return! In honor of trying to figure out how to make the work/play dynamic of my life balance in nice little convenient ying/yang slices, I will be live-Tweeting the best-selling-awful-looking (not to pre-judge!) movie EAT PRAY LOVE. I can only hope that big J.Robs and her million teeth can give my spirit the road map my chakra needs. I also really don't want to go into this alone, so I will be joined by my good friend and v. funny comedian Jim Tews. It all starts at 1pm tomorrow, (April 18th) you can follow at @thezdurr and @jimtews under the #tweetpraylove hashtag. Okay, enough "save the date" nonsense, I have to go stock up on yoga pants, dried mango, and white privilege!

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